To offer the highest flexibility to our customers we offer two manufacturing solutions: OEM and Just In Time.

Batch & Mass Watch Manufacturing

Batch production is the common practice in watch industry. After a design & engineering phase of 1 to 2 months, over a components procurement phase of 3 months, we take care of the technical drawings, product refinement and the components production of the watches among our closed network of suppliers. Then we go into the assembly phase that lasts 1 to 2 weeks. Quality check is performed all along the value chain until the final QC. Complete watches are finally delivered FOB Hong Kong.

just in time manufacturing of watches

Just-in-Time Manufacturing of Watches

Just-in-time is relatively new in the watch manufacturing industry. Based on IT and micromanufacturing, this practice is commonly used in the car or electronic industries.

After a design phase of 2 months and a sales projection analysis, a bank of components is designed and quantified. Then over a components production phase of 3 months among our supplier network, all the watch parts are procured and put into inventory.

Finally, using our proprietary IT Solution, WMKR Cloud ERP, our clients can order 1 to many watches of any design based on their bank of components. The bank of components is automatically replenished upon consumption. Quality management is seamlessly integrated at every step.

Watch Manufacturing Steps

At all stages, skilled and trained watchmakers will add more than mere screws, parts and cogs but years of craftsmanship experience where each gesture is precise and purposeful.

1. Project Definition

With a seasoned Account Manager, the watch project is defined and the following keep points are summed-up in the WATCH BRIEF

General Aesthetics

What kind of timepiece do you want to create? Dress watch? Vintage? Field? Pilot? World-timer? Diver?

Key Design Details

What materials, finished, dial elements, engravings, luminious coatings are available.

Made in ______

Where do you want your watch to be made? China? Switzerland? Japan? France? USA?

Water Resistance

Choose from splash-proof (3ATM) to diving (100ATM.)

Movement Choice

Quartz or automatic? What complications? Swiss, Chinese, Japan-made?


Create a sustainable business by taking control of your margins.

2. Design & Engineering

  • - Technical drawing
    - Feasibility validation
    - Budget confirmation

3. Sample development & prototyping

  • - Confirmation
    - Adjustment / Fine tuning

4. Planning Production Method

WMKR is structured for both traditional mass/batch manufacturing or on-demand cloud-powered production.

5. Components & Parts Procurement

  • - Hands
    - Dials
    - Case, caseback, movement holder
    - Glass & Crystals
    - Crown
    - Plating
    - Movement (Mechanical Watch Movement Adjustment, Customization)
    - Buckle
    - Straps
    - Packaging
    - Inspection & Quality Control of all parts (IQC)
    Learn more our Quality Control method »

6. Assembly

  • - 1st run / Pre-production sample to adjust the assembly process
    - Components Picking
    - Assembling
    - Water resistance tests
    - Burning tests 24h to 48h or more
    - Strap & buckle assembly
    - FQC
    - Packing
    - Shipping

Share your concept with us and we will give you a quotation within 3 working days.


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